Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Why Sleepy Hollow And Rip Van Winkle Have Lasted So Long

Joe Smith Why Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle Have Lasted So Long First it’s important to note that the two writings I’m analyzing here are based on legends regarding early Dutch settlements in America. It’s amazing how long these two tales have survived, considering that many other tales of the time have not. Is it perhaps because they stand out amongst all the other legends? Actually, I don’t find these two legends any different from all the other legends I’ve read before. So then, what is it that sets these two legends apart? The answer to this question can be found in the style that they were told in. Anyone who has read these two texts will attest to the fact that they were both told in a style that changed all styles. To someone at the time of first publication, it was quite possible to mistake it and its finely detailed settings as near fact! This is because in both Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle, numerous layers of storytelling are presented, giving the subtle feeling that what the reader is experiencin g is more a truth than a legend, not mere fiction. These layers allow Irving’s ideas, often disguised as being that of a persona's, to manifest into more of an authoritative writing, than the relating of a mere legend. In Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle there’s the persona of late Diedrich Knickerbocker. To increase the effect of this layer, subtitles, such as â€Å"Found among the Papers of the Late Diedrich Knickerbocker† (Sleepy Hollow) and â€Å"A Posthumous Writing of Diedrich Knickerbocker,†(Rip Van Winkle) are often added. Now I’m sure that everyone in our English class knows that Mr. Knickerbocker is a fictitious character created by Irving, but I wonder if the old gullible people back then knew that. Even if they find the legend of Rip Van Winkle quite hard to swallow, (as do I) it is sworn accurate in a note from Diedrich Knickerbocker! The emotions and character of Rip Van Winkle and Ic... Free Essays on Why Sleepy Hollow And Rip Van Winkle Have Lasted So Long Free Essays on Why Sleepy Hollow And Rip Van Winkle Have Lasted So Long Joe Smith Why Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle Have Lasted So Long First it’s important to note that the two writings I’m analyzing here are based on legends regarding early Dutch settlements in America. It’s amazing how long these two tales have survived, considering that many other tales of the time have not. Is it perhaps because they stand out amongst all the other legends? Actually, I don’t find these two legends any different from all the other legends I’ve read before. So then, what is it that sets these two legends apart? The answer to this question can be found in the style that they were told in. Anyone who has read these two texts will attest to the fact that they were both told in a style that changed all styles. To someone at the time of first publication, it was quite possible to mistake it and its finely detailed settings as near fact! This is because in both Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle, numerous layers of storytelling are presented, giving the subtle feeling that what the reader is experiencin g is more a truth than a legend, not mere fiction. These layers allow Irving’s ideas, often disguised as being that of a persona's, to manifest into more of an authoritative writing, than the relating of a mere legend. In Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle there’s the persona of late Diedrich Knickerbocker. To increase the effect of this layer, subtitles, such as â€Å"Found among the Papers of the Late Diedrich Knickerbocker† (Sleepy Hollow) and â€Å"A Posthumous Writing of Diedrich Knickerbocker,†(Rip Van Winkle) are often added. Now I’m sure that everyone in our English class knows that Mr. Knickerbocker is a fictitious character created by Irving, but I wonder if the old gullible people back then knew that. Even if they find the legend of Rip Van Winkle quite hard to swallow, (as do I) it is sworn accurate in a note from Diedrich Knickerbocker! The emotions and character of Rip Van Winkle and Ic...

Friday, November 22, 2019

What to Do If You Know Someone Is Cheating in College

What to Do If You Know Someone Is Cheating in College Its inevitable that  no matter where you go to college there is undoubtedly someone cheating at your school. It could be a total shock when you find out or it could be absolutely no surprise at all. But what are your options and obligations if you learn that someone is cheating in college? Deciding what to do (or, as the case may be, what not to do) can take a lot of serious time and reflection or it might be a snap decision made easy by the situations circumstances. Either way, make sure youve considered the following when faced with a friend or fellow students cheating behavior. Your Obligations Under Your Schools Code of Conduct You might be a pretty conservative student who has never given your schools code of conduct or student handbook a second glance. At some institutions, however, you may be required to report when you know another student is cheating in college. If thats the case, then your decision to notify a professor, academic advisor or staff member (like the Dean of Students) about the cheating takes on a different tone. Are you willing to sacrifice your own success at your school because of someone elses poor choices? Or are you under no institutional obligation to let someone know about cheating you suspect or witnessed? Your Personal Feelings on the Subject Some students might be completely intolerant of others cheating; some might not care one way or the other. Regardless, theres really no right way to feel about cheating its just what feels right for you. Are you okay letting it slide? Or will it bother you on a personal level not to report it? Will it upset you more to report the cheating or not to report the cheating? How will it change your relationship with the person you suspect of cheating? Your Comfort Level With Reporting the Situation (or Not) Think, too, about how you would feel if you left the cheating and cheater alone. How does this compare with how you would feel if you  turned your friend or classmate in? Try to walk yourself through the rest of the semester. How would you feel if you never reported the cheating and watched this student sail through the rest of the term? How would you feel if you did report the cheating and then had to deal with being interviewed by staff or faculty? How would you feel if you confronted the cheater directly? Theres already some conflict between you and the cheater, even if its unspoken at this point. The question then becomes how you feel about addressing that conflict and with the consequences of doing so (or not!). The Impact of Reporting or Not Reporting If youre sharing a class with the suspected cheater and everyone is graded on a curve, your own academic performance and college success will be directly affected by this students dishonest actions. In other situations, however, you might not be affected at all. At some level, however, everyone will be affected, since a cheating student is gaining an unfair advantage over his or her fellow (and honest) students. How does the cheating have an impact on you on a personal, academic, and institutional level? Who You Can Talk to for More Advice or to File a Complaint If youre not sure what to do, you can always talk to someone anonymously or not reveal the name of your friend/classmate. You can find out what your options are for filing a complaint, what the process would be like, if your name would be given to the person who you suspect is cheating and any other consequences that might occur. This kind of information might actually encourage you to report cheating in college to a professor or administrator, so take advantage of the opportunity to have all your questions answered before making a decision one way or another. After all, if youre faced with the awkward situation of having someone you know engage in cheating behavior, you have the power to decide how best to resolve the situation in a way that makes you feel most comfortable.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Black Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Black Market - Essay Example When foreign currency is set below the market rate, an excess demand is created for acquiring foreign currency. A government usually responds by devaluing the currency or setting quotas on purchase of foreign goods. A parallel underground economy emerges by manipulating the forces of supply and demand. A black market can also emerge if trade creates an artificial scarcity of goods which in the process causes high returns on their investments by profiteering. The black market generates unreported wealth and income. Officially allocated foreign exchange is resold in the underground market (Atkins, 609). Black market transactions are disruptive to society. They undermine the ban on goods and services which have been banned by the government. Legitimate businesses are at a disadvantage because goods and services are sold in the black market to avoid taxes. The underground market can also affect public revenues and delimit national productivity. It can also drain the balance of payments and distort equity concepts of economics (Atkins, 609). Black market transactions usually involve cash which is easy to evade detection by governments. It also bypasses complex financial operations. There is some dispute about the size of the black market. Economists look at the volume of cash which is circulated in a black market economy. The internet has emerged as the major indicator of the extent of the underground economy. eBay has 40 million users. Sellers are responsible to pay taxes but there is no study which details if the sellers pay taxes and whether governments have intervened to ensure they do (Atkins, 609). Goods sold in the black market can either be cheap or more expensive than normal prices. If goods are stolen than they can be cheaper than normal prices. However illegally supplied goods may be more expensive because of difficulties in production and dangers associated with trying to smuggle such goods in countries. Black markets thrive if consumer demands for goods which are not available through legal channels are unavailable (Bagnasco, 157). Underground markets can be reduced by removing the legal barriers for goods. Some people advocate that products like drugs should be legalized and government should focus on more dangerous elements of society. This has been countered by critics as legalizing crime. Removal of legal restrictions reduces the prices of goods. If products like drugs are legalized their prices would drop and most people would access trustworthy legal sources. Black market also consists of legal activities which are not reported to government tax authorities. Many corrupt officials in developing countries avoid paying taxes. Black money is the outcome of this practice. The black market has some important functions. It is a cash economy which is liquid and fast. It increases the flow of money. It injects foreign exchange into the economy and increases the money supply. It can also provide employment, create economic activity and encourage labor mobility. It is important for countries which face economic hardship. Developing countries have backward economies. Their technological expertise is primitive. Unemployment, dilapidated machines, dysfunctional infrastructure are rampant in such economies. Trade deficits, crime and budget deficits rise sharply in such economies

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Biology - Human Genetics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biology - Human Genetics - Coursework Example Show the genotypes of the parents, the genotypes of the gametes and all the possible genotypes of their offspring. Label the phenotype of each of these offspring. Fertilisation. Paternal gametes Maternal gametes HbA HbS HbA HbA HbA HbS HbA HbS HbA HbS HbS HbS i.The first child born to the couple in (a) has blood that contains haemoglobin S only. Referring to your answer to part (a), what is the probability of this outcome? The probability of the outcome is given by the number of ways to get the disease divided by the total number of possible outcomes= 1/4. ii. What is the probability that a future child born to this couple will have the sickle cell trait? Explain your reasoning. The probability that a future child born to this couple will have sickle cell trait is 3/4.This is because the parents are heterozygous only one child will not have a sickle cell trait as stated by Dhar (1997, p. 180). b. Studies on the gene for haemoglobin show that just a single base change (a mutation) is at the root of sickle cell disease. A change in one codon in the DNA template strand, from CTC to CAC, results in the production of haemoglobin S rather than haemoglobin A. What complementary change would occur in the mRNA codon, and what change would this cause in the amino acid sequence of the haemoglobin? In the mRNA CTC will change to AUA. This will change the type of amino acid available. c. Molecules of haemoglobin S behave differently from those of haemoglobin  A. Using information from the video sequences describe, in your own words, these differences and the consequent effects on the structure of the red blood cells in the body’s capillaries. (No more than 100 words.) (You practised answering questions based on a video sequence in Activities 13.1 and 17.1 in the Study Guide.) Sickle cells are in a sickle form and lack the ability to carry oxygen. Normal red blood cells are like doughnuts and carries oxygen. Amino acids sequence of the sickle cell is less by one in number. Sickle cells have valine instead of glutamine acid. When oxygen lacks in the cell, the level blood decreases, the haemoglobin molecules come out of solution, stick together and for chains that create red blood cell to become sickle cell. The blood in the capillaries become deoxygenated hence dark in colour. 2. Article 1‘Dark matter of the genome’ reports on recent research findings showing that the parts of the DNA that do not code for proteins may still have an important role in bodily functioning. You have learned in the module that only a small proportion of the human genome is composed of genes. a. Using your understanding of the module materials, describe in your own words how the DNA within genes is deciphered. Explain how this DNA can ultimately affect bodily functioning, through translation into amino acids and subsequently into proteins. Use the words base’ and ‘codon’ in your answer. (About 150 words). Deciphering is done through th e technique calledPCR, or polymearase chain reaction. DNA is deciphered through two techniques: PCR and polymerase. PCR call for heat, a patented enzyme and two primers, 16-20 bases DNA. There are various steps involved. Mix the primers with the DNA sample; add free nucleotides, and hot enzyme. Heat the mixture to boiling. The DNA will unzip into its two separate strands.The primers stick on before the two strands as it cools

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Describe 3 of the deaths in Hamlet Essay Example for Free

Describe 3 of the deaths in Hamlet Essay Hamlet is a revenge tragedy play, which was a very popular theme at the time Shakespeare was writing. Hamlet was written at the time Shakespeare was writing at his very best. Hamlet was written over 400 years ago and has outlived most other revenge plays but still continues to hold great appeal due to the effect it has on all those who see and hear it As Hamlet is self-titled we know Hamlet will die and this event will bring a close to the play. Because we know how the play will end Shakespeare entices the audience by keeping us on the edge about when, where, how and why it will happen. In this essay I have chosen to write about the death of Gertrude, Claudius and Hamlet. All three characters die in the last Act, Act 5. Hamlet is a play set in Denmark. His father at the start of the play has already been brutally murdered by his (Hamlets) Uncle Claudius. brother to the deceased king. The ghost of his father appears to him and reveals how Claudius so cunningly murdered him, and begs Hamlet to avenge his death. Ghost: Revenge his foul and most unnatural murther Hamlet is already furious with Claudius for marrying his mother within such a short time of his fathers death. Hamlet: for look how cheerful my mother looks, and my father died withins two hours. This causes him to wonder if his mother had had any part in his fathers murder also. Hamlet within him vows to obey the ghost of his father. While all this is happening Fortinbras of Norway is invading Denmark with the aim of avenging his fathers death that was taken by the late king of Denmark, Hamlets father. Hamlet decides to have the players play a play similar to the death of his father to see the reaction of Claudius. Hamlet: Ill have these Players, Play something like the murder of my father, Before mine uncle. Ill observe his looks, He wants to be sure that the ghost was not evil and telling the truth. The play is a success and Hamlet can now be sure that Claudius is responsible for the death of his father. Gertrude, Hamlets mother along with everyone else are outraged by Hamlets change in character. Polonius, Lord Chamberlain, a good friend to the king believes Hamlet is mad as a result of his daughter Ophelia rejecting Hamlets love as he had ordered her too. Gertrude asks for her son to visit her in her bedroom. Here Hamlet mistakenly stabs Polonius who is hiding behind the curtains when he heard Hamlets footsteps approaching after having been talking to the queen. Queen: O what a rash and bloody deed this this! Polonius children now change in character. Ophelia turns mad and drowns herself, while Laertes returns from studying in France and is also driven to avenge his fathers death. Hamlets madness causes Claudius to send Hamlet to England. However, Hamlet who seems always to be one step ahead of the king knows Claudius has sent a letter requesting Hamlets death and switches the note with his own for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, once friends of Hamlets, before they decided to betray him by becoming Claudius informants and so they are killed. Hamlet: Why do you think I am easier to be played on, than a pipe? Later Hamlet returns to Denmark, to much surprise of the king to see Ophelias burial. Throughout the play the audience are kept in suspense about as to when Hamlet will strike Claudius. Hamlet can be seen as a hero or villain. Shakespeare makes the audience see Hamlet as a hero. Through Hamlets soliloquies the audience feel as though they come to know Hamlet. In this they experience what he is going through and feel his hurt and pain, which is not enough to justify his killing on Claudius but to understand why he feels he must. Act 5 begins with the burial of Ophelia and shows the first confrontation between Laertes and Hamlet. Here Shakespeare allows the audience to acknowledge that both Laertes and Hamlet are suffering in the same way; although Laertes has lost both a father and sister, as Ophelias death was a result of her fathers. However, Shakespeare causes the audience to excuse Hamlets wrong deed and side with him. Scene two from this Act is the last in the play. Claudius falsely welcomes Hamlet home. However, Claudius and Laertes see Hamlets return as a suggestion to all their troubles, to kill Hamlet once and for all. They cunningly plan a duel between Laertes the best fighter and Hamlet. What they do not know is that Hamlet has been practicing during his time in England. Hamlet: since I went into France, I have been in continual practice; The fact that this is secretly revealed by Hamlet to Horatio, Hamlets good friend, reveals also a secret to the audience. At this point the audience cannot be sure if Hamlet will die, as the title suggests. The audience are at this point plagued with the fact that Laertes, Claudius and Fortinbras are all awaiting the day that Hamlet will die. During the wager Hamlet is the first to make a hit. Laertes and Hamlet soon scuffle and wound each other. However, Laertes sword has poison on so that when he hits Hamlet he will die. This was the plan of the king and Laertes. The king who also put a poison pearl into the win glass If Hamlet give the first, or second hit,.. is horrified when Gertrude drinks from the cup in honour of Hamlet giving the first hit. Gertrude soon dies. Queen: The drink, the drink, I am poisond. The fact that we never truly knew until this point that Gertrude was an innocent party in her husbands murder causes us to feel pity for her. We also pity her as Claudius tried to have her son executed and pretended to love her in order to keep the thrown. The audience can now see that Gertrude was tricked from the beginning by Claudius, as well as he taking her husbands life he has also taking her own. This shoes that Claudius was only looking after himself. We pity her because Claudius could never have loved her especially not as her husband did as he was the cause of her death. The way in which she was killed causes the audience to experience horror because we did not expect Gertrude to drink the wine. Also because it was her husband that allows her to die. Although he tries to stop her he does not try hard enough. King: Gertrude, do not drink. It horrifies us that Claudius was so eager to get rid of Hamlet that he even had two plans and so we fear what will happen next. Claudius is already aware that it will only be a matter of time before Hamlet will die as before Laertes did he had cut Hamlet. We also fear what Claudius has become and if he will stop at anything. Hamlet has now lost a mother and a father at the hands of Claudius. The audience are now fearful of the amount of hatred Hamlet must have for Claudius and fear how he will react. The sudden death of Hamlets father and Gertrude leaves the audience disturbed as both had no time to repent their sins and we fear if Gertrude will become Doomd for a certain term to walk the night: The plot of Hamlet thickens more and the audience at this point are left to wonder if Claudius will get away with his terrible deeds. However, during the scuffe hamlet picked up Laertes sword when it the scuffle it had been knocked forom his hand and Hamlet had wounded Laertes At this moment Laertes exchange forgiveness with Hamlet and his last few words ensure that the king, He is justly served. Laertes: the King, the Kings to blame. When Hamlet is sure that it was Treason he stabs the king and he is only then justly killd with mine own treachery. The king is now dead. At this point it is hard to pity Claudius because he has been the cause of so many lives being taken away. In spite of this we pity him because he is human and he did attempt to stop Gertrude which he did not have to do. We can also pity him because Hamlet and his parents had a good family and wealth and friends all of which Claudius did not. The audience have been forced from the start of the play to believe that there is an after life and world, heaven and hell. We therefore pity what will become of Claudius because he has been so bad. Ghost: My hour is almost come, When sulphurous and tormenting flames This shows that the ghost of Hamlets father is going to hell, so we pity Claudius as we assume he will be here also. On the other hand we cannot forget what Claudius has done and are horrified by his actions. The numerous ways he has tried to kill Hamlet on several occasions and stopping at nothing, no matter who he hurt in order to achieve his aim. We are again horrified by Claudius allowing his wife Gertrude to die. At this point it looks as though everyone with a path to the throne is dead. We now fear for the people of Denmark about who will save them from Fortinbras. Hamlet who was stabbed by Laertes with the poisonous sword is now feeling the effect of the poison and can feel it taking over him. Hamlet departs this life. Hamlet: I am dead, Shakespeare causes the audience to pity Hamlet because he has lost both his mother and father and lover. Claudius had been attempting to kill Hamlet for ages and because he kept failing the audience feel as though hamlet has outwitted Claudius until now and so maybe he would live. The audience have become attached to Hamlet and it hurts them to see him die. We pity Hamlet because he may also go to hell when he was only trying to get even with Claudius the way he thought was right. The audience also pity Hamlet as if Claudius had let his father be, then the ghost would not have told him the truth and he would still be alive. Nevertheless, we fear for Hamlet in the next life, and are horrified that Hamlet dies and Fortinbras is left to take the throne without opposition. Hamlet is very much a revenge tragedy. The first murder of his father led to a string of killings after it. In stating this it shows that certain deaths had to come first in order for others to occur. I think Shakespeares Hamlet has been such a success due to the truthful implications it deals with. Revenge is thought to be wrong, immoral, but in Hamlet Shakespeare expresses revenge as the natural human impulse that lies within us all. Hamlet is only acting out of the love he has for his father, which is undoubtedly the reaction each and every one of us would take. Although revenge was a popular theme during the time Hamlet was acted, Shakespeare takes it that great leap further which no author had began or even thought about doing. Instead of hating the avenger and wanting him to die we appreciate his aim and hence feel sorry for him at his death. Shakespeare forces us to perceive Hamlet for the person he is and not for the vile act he commits. The concept of Claudius having destroyed his family as well as his life remains at the forefront of our minds whilst watching the play and causes us to feel immense pity towards Hamlet and we the audience can therefore not loathe him. What makes Hamlet all the more fascinating is that we are kept in suspense as to if Gertrude had a part in the murder of her Husband. Throughout the play Shakespeare causes the audience to experience horror, pity and fear by making the next stage in the play all the more unpredictable. Just when we think we know what will happen due to what has been revealed to us through conversation and especially soliloquies does Shakespeare prove us wrong by adding an unexpected twist. I think Hamlet has also been such a success because it shows how life in this world is so short and puts fear into us about life in the next. It also shows how one incident can affect so many lives so much. The fact that Hamlet is betrayal within a family causes the audience to feel that little bit more afraid. When the tight unity between families is broken then respect for anyone can hardly be possible, as the ability to trust and love another must be hard. Even so Hamlet did and still does love Ophelia. Hamlet: I lovd Ophelia; forty thousand brothers Could not (with all their quantities of love) Make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her? Shakespeare causes even more pity towards Hamlet, as through this quote it is inevitable that Laertes loss was also a loss of Hamlets.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Anti-War Essay -- essays research papers

Anti War Do you consider the war in Iraq a victory or another Vietnam? The Iraq war is a lot like Vietnam as I have read in many articles; promises of an easy victory and short occupation, and then a reversal, but it wasn't just the length of time the US spent in Vietnam that turned public opinion, nor was it the mass peace protests. It was a growing realizations (fed up by events like the publication of the Pentagon Papers) that people were being fed lies, and the truth was systematically covered up. The public began to wonder if the war had anything to do with plans to create a democratic state in Vietnam and Iraq is a lot like Vietnam. And it is the realization of the truth, by the general public that the majority of our voting citizens’ support this President Bush once enjoyed for what has proven to be a huge and costly series of blunders, miscalculations, and mistakes. Once again, the lies and the realization that the "liberation" of the Iraqi people is not the primary agenda behind the occupation, and preventing terrorism isn't cu tting it as an excuse either. Iraq is a training camp and recruitment center for terrorists. We need to leave Iraq alone and send our soldiers home. American political leaders insisted we would wipe out those Iraqi terrorists and criminals in no time, but it didn't happen. Just like in Vietnam. The U.S. media insisted that nearly all Iraqis welcomed U.S. occupation and that Iraqis would love Americans for giving them democracy and ...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Case Study Crescent Pure Essay

Due to Crescent being Portland Drake Beverages’ (PDB) first entry into the U.S. sport/energy beverage market, there are some issues that PDB should consider with regard to Crescent’s impending launch. These issues consist of determining what customers want, being discussion-worthy and being transparent. Before launching Crescent it is essential to make sure that there is a place for Crescent in the market. Sarah Ryan, Vice President of Marketing for PDB, is doing this by trying to specify whether Crescent fits in the market better as an energy drink, a sport drink or a healthy organic beverage. Being discussion-worthy is another important issue to consider because it is important to make sure Crescent’s product stands out against the various other energy/sport beverage companies that are coming out with their own products. By captivating your consumers with something discussion-worthy, you’ll foster organic word-of-mouth about your brand. Being transparent is also a vital issue to consider because consumers have so many options on where to spend their money for sport/energy drinks. By being transparent and showing consumers exactly where their money is going, Crescent’s product will attract consumers. Letting consumers know where Crescent’s products are coming from and why they are priced they way they are gives power to the consumer, and helps them feel confident about their purchases. The factors that should influence the position of Crescent are competitors, market segmentation and market size. The market segmentation for sport drinks and energy drinks are distinguished through levels of hydration provided, energy provided, nutrition provided and favorable taste provided. Most energy drinks have higher energy, lower nutrition, lower hydration and  lower favorable taste compared to sports drinks. Additionally, the largest group of energy drink consumers were males between the ages of 18-34. Also parents of children were more likely to consume energy drinks and the highest volume of drinks consumed was by respondents with a household income below $25,000 per year. For sport drinks, roughly half of men consumed them, while only a third of women did. Furthermore, although 40% of men found sports drinks refreshing, only 27% of females did. Sports drinks appealed to younger consumers, 62% of those between the ages of 18 to 24. Crescent’s best target is males a nd females between the ages of 18-35. PDB must decide whether or not to position Crescent as an energy drink, a sport drink, or a healthy organic beverage. The advantages for positioning Crescent as an energy drink is that the market size for energy drinks has grown 40% between 2010 and 2012. Energy drinks were estimated to be $8.5 billion in the United States in 2013; forecasts projected that figure to reach $13.5 billion by 2015. Another advantage is that Crescent is a beverage that consists of organic ingredients that are a healthier option than most energy drinks. This is an advantage because sales of energy drinks with lower levels of caffeine and purer ingredients are rising due to consumer demand for healthier food and beverage choices. A disadvantage for positioning Crescent as an energy drink is that many potential consumers view energy drinks as unhealthy and might not see past that when PDB launches their new Crescent energy drink. Due to news stories highlighting the alleged health risks from energy drinks, 32% of consumers over 18 indicated they drank an energy drink in the last six months, 11% of who were drinking fewer energy drinks than they had a year earlier. The advantages of positioning Crescent as a sport drink is that the market size is also increasing. The market increased 9% between 2007 and 2012. In 2012, sports drinks reached $6.3 billion in the United States and are expected to grow to $9.58 billion by 2017. Another advantage of positioning Crescent as a sports drink is that diet and low-sugar beverages, which did not exist before 2009, had grown by 33% between 2010 and 2012. The market size for diet and low-sugar sports drinks is expected to increase from $1.4 billion in 2012 to $2.97 billion in 2017. This is perfect for PDB because  the Crescent beverage is based on being a diet, low-sugar, and overall healthy option. The disadvantage of PDB positioning Crescent as a sports drink is the concern regarding rising childhood obesity rates resulting in government-mandated guidelines to remove high-calorie sugary drinks and snacks, including sports drinks, from school vending machines. This could be a negative impact on the amount of sports drinks young consumers buy, who make up a large portion of the sports drinks that are consumed. The advantages of positioning Crescent as a healthy organic beverage is due to consumers currently moving towards healthier food and beverage options, as mentioned earlier. It is a market that is currently growing and will continue to grow. The disadvantage of positioning Crescent as a healthy organic beverage is that it lacks the energy that is provided by other energy drinks due to its use of organic ingredients. A focus group feedback found that some young consumers noted that Crescent had less energy than they had hoped. The positioning strategy that I would select would be a healthy organic beverage. It is important to find what draws you apart from the competition and then advertise based on that. The target market that Crescent wants to attract are people who are health conscious and consumers who buy sugary energy and sport drinks aren’t going to be as health conscious. Other implications that this will have for other elements of the marketing mix is that PDB could potentially raise the price for a Crescent beverage because some consumers from the focus group questioned PDB’s ability to deliver quality organic ingredients at $2.75, when most healthy organic beverages are above $3.00. Another implication this will have for other elements of the marketing mix is where this product is going to be sold. If Crescent is being sold as a healthy organic beverage then it must be sold in a store that sells other healthy and organic products in order to provide for the right target market. Lastly, Crescent will have to be advertised as a healthy organic beverage through packaging, commercials and other forms of advertisement showing that this product is healthy and only organic ingredients are used to make it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Observations at Roosevelt middle school Essay

I observe at Roosevelt Middle School, which is in River Forest, in Mrs. Braun’s sixth grade English class on Tuesdays in the morning. As I have observed, I have noticed that the classroom is student-centered. During computer time, Mrs. Braun focused more on helping the students get into the computer program to start the assignment than on having enough time to get the assignment done. Several times, Mrs. Braun gave helpful comments on how to do things on the computer or in the program, such as how to install automatic spell check. Mrs. Braun was also very patient as she was being asked questions while she was trying to explain the assignment. From what I saw, some students were getting bored, though, while the assignment was being explained and started whispering to each other. However, the whispering did stop when the students had to get started on the assignment. I have also observed that there seems to be a strong set of rules in place in Mrs. Braun’s classroom. This is evident through some of Mrs. Braun’s subtle, and not-so-subtle, reminders. For example, she gently made an example of a student by pointing out that his decorated pen (with a silly topper on it) was not allowed in class if it was going to be played and not used. She made a general statement that all pens similar to it are not welcomed is they are going to be played with. Overall, the students follow the rules very well, and there have not been any severe disruptions. There has only been whispering occasionally, but it stopped when Mrs. Braun asked. Disciplinary strategies seem to be in place as well, although I have not seen any discipline used while I have been observing the class. There is even a routine in place in the classroom for each period. During period one, first of all, old assignments are collected by Mrs. Braun, and then vocabulary is covered. Then a vocabulary assignment is given with any other new assignments on what is being cover in class. Next the teacher reads or goes over any assigned readings from the book that is being covered in class. This is the same basic routine for period two. The third period is computer time and the routine seems to vary. There is a quick transition from activity to activity during these routines. The classroom environment is that of a basic classroom setting. There are some decorations and other things hanging on the wall. Among the decorations is a hand-made calendar on the wall by Mrs. Braun’s desk. There is a history of each student’s last name on the wall on the other side of Mrs. Braun’s desk. There seems to be a controlled temperature and lighting in the classroom and they are set at an adequate setting. The room is arranged with five groups of desks in a circular type shape. In the middle of the room is a cart where new assignments are put and reading journals are kept. There are different locations throughout the room for different supplies. With the layout of the room, it seems there is adequate space to move around and do in-class activities. The physical space also seems conducive to teaching and learning. The physical space, including seating and grouping arrangements, seems to enhance cooperation and learning because there seems to be fewer distractions around them. There seems to be fewer distractions because the students have less people to talk to than if they were seated in rows, though they may still be tempted to talk. This classroom seems to function well as a total environment through its layout. I have observed many things in my first two observations in Mrs. Braun’s class. The students do a lot of in-seat assignments, such as handouts. There seems to be a few good projects being done but they are done mostly outside of class. I feel that some time should be spent in class working on the projects, even if it is 10-15 minutes. The layout seems like both a good idea and a bad idea. It seems like a good idea because if one student gets stuck on something, there are others around to help. It seems to be a bad idea, though, because of what I stated before, there is still the temptation for the students to talk when they are not suppose to and distract each other. The only implication I have is that it seems that some old methods are hard to leave behind, such as busy work (hand outs), for more interactive methods (interaction with each other).

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Yths And Legands Essays - Corrie Ten Boom, Evangelists, Free Essays

Yths And Legands Essays - Corrie Ten Boom, Evangelists, Free Essays Yths And Legands quote below because it seemed to pop out at me. You will see why: A boy of maybe fifteen turned to us with tears rolling down his cheeks. I would have fought! I wouldn't have given up! Father stooped down to pick up a small bruised petal from the brick pavement; tenderly he inserted it in his buttonhole. That is good my son, he told the youngster. Holland's battle has just begun. This could be described as the introduction of World War II. Corrie Ten Boom and her father are standing outside listening to the dreadful news that Holland had surrendered to the Germans. The Ten Booms have a hunch that many terrible things are now going to take place. To me this section is one of the most important parts of this true story. It is marking a major event in history that has affected many lives. That interaction between that strong young boy and a weak old man popped out at me! I was impressed with the fifteen year old and how he would not have given up. That is why I selected this quote. It hit me how Holland knew bad times were ahead but also knew that they couldn't do much to prevent it. It was like they just had to sit back and let themselves be rationed, to give up their radios and every other resource of news, to have every move that they made be watched. To me it felt like their freedom was being taken away. It is their attitudes that have amazed me and impressed me so far. The Ten Booms have constructed a secret room in their house to hide Jews. They have made connections so that they could secretly keep and handout ration cards to those who had to go hungry. I am so pleased with their bravery and faith. I know that much more is going to happen so I am anxiously awaiting.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why Learning Essay Writing is So Boring Sometimes and How to Deal with It

Why Learning Essay Writing is So Boring Sometimes and How to Deal with It Why Learning Essay Writing is So Boring Sometimes and How to Deal with It? We perfectly get it: sometimes learning essay writing is just a snore-fest. Every time you sit down to research some information on how to write this or that type of paper, your one eye starts to blink very slowly. And when you get to looking for data on the given topic, that’s when all the â€Å"fun† comes out. But why exactly does this happen? Learning is supposed to be interesting, right? The most widespread reason for essay writing being boring is that the tasks are detached from reality. Composing a paper about the life of Abraham Lincoln? Come on, what can be more â€Å"entertaining†. This essay will get you a job in a high growth startup! (or at least at library). But joking aside, you can’t leave the situation like that because no matter what you think, essay writing skills are very important for your future. And we have several ideas on how it can be turned into an exciting and challenging task. Swim Against the Stream You don’t necessarily have to follow the standard introduction-body-conclusion structure illustrated by a burger. There is a reason you read off blog articles or your favorite authors most of your free time – they use special techniques to engage the reader. For example, bloggers apply hooks to get the audience interested while fiction writers use suspense, neat narration and so on. So, find out more about these techniques and try using them in your writing! Add More of Yourself Why do you write 3-4 posts daily on social media but can’t make yourself create a 400-word essay? Because they are connected with you, your interests and preferences. So, make your academic papers personal too. Describe your experience, adventures or contemplations, and it will be much easier to spill it all out on the paper. Go Creative Discover some new interesting approaches for yourself! Create a paper on behalf of your favorite movie character imitating their style of speech, or of someone so bodacious like Kanye West. It won’t only make the whole process much more exciting, but also will show that you are not a mindless machine that automatically produces a standard essay. You can get creative! Imagine That You Are at Oprahs You will be very surprised how this approach can change the content of your essay. Compose a paper on a given topic. Then, imagine yourself attending the Oprah’s and telling about it to show’s public. Would they be interested? Well, we doubt that and you do too. So, think how would you alter your writing so that this type of audience would like it. Do you need to add some jokes? Go ahead and do that. Does your essay need more curious facts? Surf the Internet and include them as well. Do whatever is needed for you to like this essay too. Its always important to have fun while doing even such serious tasks as completing academic writing assignments. So, make sure you don’t miss out on that. This was you won’t feel bored at all. At our service we write essays for money from scratch. We hired a perfect team of essay writers to produce top-quality custom written papers.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Community Service or Social Project Service Essay

Community Service or Social Project Service - Essay Example The information accessed by these people may take the form of case studies, theoretical literature and role plays, where their interactions with the members of the public improve their abilities, including their leadership outlook and overall leadership performance. This paper will use the case of leaders in Skid Row to explore the enhancing effect of community service on the leadership abilities and the leadership style of a leader. Lastly, the paper will discuss the ways in which the leadership of an individual reflects personal values and the ethical values of an organization. The ways in which community service enhances a leader’s leadership style Building sustainable peace and development in communities affected by crisis requires the leaders involved in the negotiation proceedings to be highly skilled, so that they can communicate their views to the groups in conflict. From the case of the Skid Row area of Los Angeles, the role of the leaders of the Skid Row Housing Trus t has remained critical to the resolution of the poverty and the housing crisis facing the area. The leadership structure of communities facing crisis situations plays an important role in worsening the situation or closing the gaps and addressing the crisis situation (Elliott & Kaufman, 2003). The area is known, since its history as the residential neighborhood for the poorest and the homeless. However, the formation of the Skid Row housing trust in 1989 set to address the problem of homelessness, through the development and the refurbishment of housing facilities. During the years between 1950 and 2000, the redevelopment of residential hotels led to the destruction of the highly affordable housing in Los Angeles, which threatened the areas’ residential community; redevelopment forced thousands of residents into the sidewalks and the city’s shelters. The crisis situation made business leaders and community activists respond to the alarming wash-away of permanent, affo rdable housing; the two groups formed the Skid Row Housing Trust (Skid Row Housing Trust, 2013a). The leadership of the trust pushed for the mobilization of private equity, low income credits, conventional debt and public finance, which helped with the salvage of housing units that were on the verge of being lost. The work of the trust oversaw the transformation and the renovation of decaying hotels into attractive, safe and affordable permanent housing, which offered housing to the homeless and the low-income population (Skid Row Housing Trust, 2013a). The initiative taken by the business leaders and community activists, through their respective leaders demonstrated the outlook of servant Leadership, which is contrary to the traditional leadership outlook of autocratic leaders (Greenleaf, 2002). Servant leadership is evident from the strategies adopted by the leaders, because instead of compelling the residents of the area to live on the streets or struggle to afford the redevelope d housing, they employed the moral power of guaranteeing the availability of affordable housing to the homeless and the poor (Greenleaf, 2002). The strategy offered them the platform to improve their living standards. The success of the leadership outlook of the leaders is evident from t